Saturday, March 04, 2006

New Towels

It's not often you get new towels... I mean brand new as opposed to the daily maid-service in hotels.

On Wednesday this week, new towels appeared in the bathroom. A sort of peach colour, this in itself being unusual in my world of white towels. The second thing I noticed was the way these new towels pushed the water around my body rather than soaking it up.
I live in a hard water area, so I've encounted a similar sensation when I go to soft water areas. Towels in soft water areas come out of the tumble-dryer like new. Where I come from towels need only one visit to the washing machine to be absorbent sandpaper for life.

I did not notice the third thing until after shaving. I (being a modern man) put Nivea for Men on my forehead* as usual only to have a brief moment of panic when I thought my face was coming off.. Turned out to be the cream combining with the fluff that had evenly spread itself over my face... wiping my hands on the towel only made things worse, of course. I had a brief glimpse into the world of the obsessive compulsive as, half asleep, I went several times round the loop of rinse hands to remove fluff, dry hands... oh, there's the fluff again.

*You may be wondering about the proximity of "shaving" to "forehead"... So am I


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