Holmes and Yo! Sushi

I've spent the last two months trying to find someone who understood the reference to no avail and as I couldn't remember the name of the show, Google was not my friend.
My (now even more highly esteemed) colleague pulled a rabbit out of the hat (not literally obviously, that would have been another "too trippy" moment) by bursting forth with "YOYO" - slightly too loud for normal conversation between two grown men in a meeting room - but as he didn't spit on me or wave a tongue slightly too large for his mouth at me (unlike some I could mention), I was happy to overlook his enthusiasm on this one occasion.
"Yoyo" was all i needed; Google.... suddenly my friend again. "Yoyo cop show*" unearthed a mass of information.
Sir, I am grateful. You know who you are.
*Does that sound like a dish you'd find on the Yo! Sushi conveyor?... No?... Just me then...
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