Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup

So it's begun and despite myself I can't help but get excited about it.

Compared to some of my friends I am a total lightweight, but I nonetheless found myself in the pub watching the Germany vs Costa Rica match, being totally antisocial (sorry M and K) and willing CRC to stick in a last minute equaliser - sadly the sixth goal went the German way.

I am on the train listening to a very irritating woman trying to engratiate herself with the football fan on the other end of the phone.

"So I hear Germany have won the football"

"It's only 45 minutes for Gods sake... Oh, 90... Blimey they get paid enough either way"

"Is Rooney playing tomorrow?"

"Perhaps I should be a football manager?"

I'm beginning to realise how irritated Karoona must get by us lightweights.

Puts me in mind of the classic Ronnies and Cleese sketch...

"I look down on her because she clearly has no idea about football, but I look up to her because she lives and breathes it"

What are the chances of me getting to watch the England match tomorrow without the boys demanding to watch Tiny Pops or CBeebies?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would have been better off watching the CBeebies channel....

2:38 pm  

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