Thursday, April 28, 2016

Six months later

Well now.... Six months have passed.  And I've finally released my self from my ego. 

What does this mean? Well for a full breakdown obtain "A new Earth" by Echart Tolle, digested best as an audiobook rather than in e-book or paper form.

It's been quite the journey to this new place where my chest feels light, and I'm fully aware of what's going on in my body  at any given moment.

So I've learned how to listen to my ego (that constant inner monologue that encompasses all our past experiences, both emotional and rationalised) as an observer, no longer drawn away by my past projecting onto my future.

At the same time, becoming conscious. Knowing how each of the sensations that arise within this body I inhabit translate into feelings, and to know how to trace back those feelings to misunderstandings of the past being projected onto now and the future by my ego, that collection of rules and strategies borne of experience. 

To be aware of all of this in real time, not after the fact, is quite enlightening. One might say, "enlightened". 

I still feel all my feelings, what's different is that now they don't transport me away, they don't overwhelm me, instead the observer is always present, the Adult, supporting my playfully free inner child and my nurturing supporting inner parent. 

To go back to an earlier analogy, I am allowing my journey of flow down life's river to proceed without fear, I am confident that my boat is sound and am relaxed and enjoying looking up at the trees and feeling the sunshine as I relax in my little boat and flow downstream.

So, may your journey become one of flow, may you find peace and contentment and may you know that your are already whole.  And, know that you are loved, just for being you. 



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