Brain Gravy

What's weird is I don't usually notice it right away, it sort of creeps into my conciousness during the morning routine.
Sometimes I even get as far as looking in the mirror trying not to become an accidental suicide with my razor - but usually it seeps through much quicker whilst I'm downstairs stirring porridge, or mindlessly dunking a tea bag in a giant mug.
Some days I can trace the origin of the tune - an event the previous day... A billboard, nano-spheric noise from someone's i-Pod, something someone said... other days it's a complete mystery.
I've decided to keep a record of what I get to start my day with. Mind you, there's that whole worry of changing the experiment merely by observing it... only time will tell.
I had "Living on a Prayer" segueing into the signature tune for "The Generation Game" (The Saint Bruce version of course) this morning, Furry and I was not even shaving.
Strange or what?
This morning (24 April) it was "Because of You", the Dexy's signature to that sitcom with Karl Howman as the painter with an eye for the ladies. Can you remember what is was called, Furry? Was it "Brushstrokes"? Not fantastic it must be said - he is much better in the Flash adverts.
But why that song as I shave round the 'tash?
"Losing my Religion" today, Furry. Which I did when I was about 18. I had a atheistic epiphany in the grounds of Derwent College. The really interesting thing though is that the song makes much more sense if you substitute the word "potatoes" for "religion".
Careful if trying this at home, kids.
The chorus from "When You Wasn't Famous" by the Streets today, Furry. My son keeps singing it so it is inmy head often.
Or is there more to it than that?
Keane today, Furry. That one about this is the last time, that I shall say these words, no more tender moments... The reason being it is in the CD player in the car and it is a new car and we are not sure how to get it out. I tried and ended up opening the bonnet. Not a good idea on the Uxbridge Road.
More Keane. More bloody Keane. The one about for a moment your eyes open and you see them. Must get that CD out of the car somehow, Furry. Anyone fancy a Touran with 14,000 miles on the clock and one Keane CD? Any contacts in the business that would be interested, Furry?
No Keane!! Have replaced the CD in the car with the Philip Glass Violin Concerto - nice bit of middlebrow minimalism for the Pinner set, Furry.
But now no songs in my head.
The song about the alphabet today as I removed the 'tache. Daughter was singing it and then Boy did, so I had to as well.
Not Alphabet Street I hasten to add by the priapic diminutive one but the one that starts with A and goes though to Z.
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