Friday, June 30, 2006

Tube trains

I'm on the Victoria line on my way to Victoria to attend an oh so exciting seminar on BizTalk server. My life is so rich, like triple chocolate ben & jerrys with suger on top.

Aren't deep level trains disgusting?

At least on the Met & Circle lines you can actually stand up straight and if you position yourself by a door you get something resembling a breeze. On these deep level trains there is no air, just a fetid mass of bodies, all trying to suck what little oxygen there is out of the air, all in return contributing their own brand of odour until you begin to feel like you're going to suffocate.

If you want a draft, better stand near the front of the carriage so the warm, dank air that pervades the tube network at least gives a passable impression of air movement, but you'd better hope the person(s) wedged in front of it washed this morning... Oh... Unlucky!

And to cap it all, it's hot. Really bloody hot. Naturally this improves the atmosphere no end, not only must you imbibe the toxic aroma, you palpably feel the cortisol rising in fellow travellers veins, edginess creeping through the unoccupied, iPod addled minds as people jostle their way in and out at each platform.

All human life is here. May your god help us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am with you on this one, my furred arthopod friend. How can people smell that bad, that early in the morning?

Like unplanned pregnancies there is just no excuse for BO in a country with the world's fourth largest economy. Washing utensils, soaps, deodourants, and clean water are widely and cheaply available.

And almost all available from the same shop shop as cheap and efficient prophylactics.

The problem is though that we do not care enough about ourselves. For some reason we think we are worthless. So we don't bother to wash and we get pregnant with the first person who says that we look nice.

9:37 am  

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