Monday, August 28, 2006


How rare the moment...

This morning I waved goodbye to my wife and two boys as they disappeared off to Bath for my wifes sisters sons (hoo... families are complex huh?) fourth birthday.

They'll be away until tomorrow night.

I am alone. I am trying to remember the last time that happened. Quietly, beforehand I was looking forward to the time alone. In the event I am so unused now to being on my own, I have actually forgotten how.

Now I feel slightly guilty because most days I set out in a tensile way to achieve something.

Instead I've spent the day catching up on movies.

Shop Girl (Slow to start, but gets better)
A Beautiful Mind (Brilliant)
The Skeleton Key (Excellent also, John Hurt appears throughout, has one scene with lines)
Wedding Crashers - Also a good film, if a bit obvious and cheesy in places.
Pushing Tin - A film about air-traffic controllers starring John Cusack. Also a great film

So, in summary, I could have done some amazingly useful things with my day, achieved something, but instead I very lazily sat on my sofa and watched films, and it was satisfactory.

Interestingly, as a result of my inaction I disappointed no-one. There's a lot to be said for low-achievement and mediocrity. Perhaps this is my new path. It seems I would probably achieve just as little but would come away with much lower levels of stress.

Perhaps I should stop trying to be all that I can be; give up on the idea of actually making a difference in a way that my two predecessors sungularly failed to do. Perhaps the goal really is to turn-up, be mediocre and take the money.


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