Ha ha!
Youngest, in order to celebrate 22 months on the planet decided to have a fireworks display all of his own making this afternoon.
I was at the end of the garden, manhandling the rest of my old garden shed into submission. I've been attacking the back garden as it's too hot to be in direct sunlight. The back garden affords shade in different places across the day, so careful planning has allowed me to only get second degree sunburn today.
I looked up and saw him through the open back door staring intently at something. These are the charming moments that make your heart melt so I watched him for a moment or two before I realised there were whisps of smoke coming from somewhere near where the microwave oven is temporarily located (we have no kitchen again, but that's a different story)
I dropped the side of the shed I was holding which came to rest against the window of my next door neighbours shed (there's no fence and luckily the window is perspex) and ran toward the house in time to see smoke appearing from whatever was inside the microwave.
I pulled the door open and grabbed what turned out to be a rather charred box of individually foil wrapped for freshness fruit infusions - tea bags to thee and me. I threw it out the back door.
Youngest has spent some time on the naughty step thinking about what he did wrong.
The infusions are beyond use, but so far as I can tell the microwave is ok.
He's not even two yet and he knows how to set the microwave running. How scary is that, all the inquisitiveness and none of the awareness of danger?
Youngest, in order to celebrate 22 months on the planet decided to have a fireworks display all of his own making this afternoon.
I was at the end of the garden, manhandling the rest of my old garden shed into submission. I've been attacking the back garden as it's too hot to be in direct sunlight. The back garden affords shade in different places across the day, so careful planning has allowed me to only get second degree sunburn today.
I looked up and saw him through the open back door staring intently at something. These are the charming moments that make your heart melt so I watched him for a moment or two before I realised there were whisps of smoke coming from somewhere near where the microwave oven is temporarily located (we have no kitchen again, but that's a different story)
I dropped the side of the shed I was holding which came to rest against the window of my next door neighbours shed (there's no fence and luckily the window is perspex) and ran toward the house in time to see smoke appearing from whatever was inside the microwave.
I pulled the door open and grabbed what turned out to be a rather charred box of individually foil wrapped for freshness fruit infusions - tea bags to thee and me. I threw it out the back door.
Youngest has spent some time on the naughty step thinking about what he did wrong.
The infusions are beyond use, but so far as I can tell the microwave is ok.
He's not even two yet and he knows how to set the microwave running. How scary is that, all the inquisitiveness and none of the awareness of danger?
He sounds an ideal candidate for a position in a desktop applications team or perhaps a network support role.
My brother is famed for one of his 'quiet spells'. My mum used to make curtains and consequently our dining room was like a mini sweat shop as we grew up. Material, lining, cotton et al. Well this day my brother was in said room. With a box of matches. Some how he wanted to put the sweat into sweatshop. Luckily my Mum has eyes in the back of her head and prevented arsonistic hell. I am just amazed & relieved he has grown into such a level headed responible chap.
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