Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weird things are happening

Sometimes odd things happen and then very quickly I realise it's me, and not the world around me.

This one, though, has got me stumped.

When I got home from work last night, my arrival coincided with the arrival of my wife and two boys. My elder came in with me, my younger went with my wife to drop something off with a neighbour.

In the time it took me to unload the people-carrier with all the things my wife had bought, my elder son had gone upstairs, and got himself dressed for bed. He'd also left his pants and socks on the landing floor.

Nothing unusual so far.

I wasn't even surprised or confused by the other mess on the landing floor, which my son explained was the fluff from between the toes of his feet. I decided to dig my son out of this row with his mum waiting to happen before my wife got back in. I went downstairs to find the hoover. My boy meantime picked up his pants and socks and put them in the wash bin.

Still, nothing unusual so far.

I brought the hoover upstairs, and cleaned up the fluff from the carpet. At this point, my wife and younger son came in, and we settled into our evening routine. I remember wrapping the cable back up on the hoover, having brought it back downstairs. I remember this because it was caught under the door to the lounge.

Something unusual happened here. (But I did not become aware of it until this morning)

My wife stayed upstairs. My boys and I had a sandwich at the dining room table. We were there for half an hour. I put the boys to bed and then came back downstairs to watch the final of Big Brother. Then I went to bed.

This morning I had a lay-in (well, 7.45am is a lay-in in my household) and I came downstairs to see my children had eaten their breakfast and left the usual crumbs and rice-krispies on the dining room floor.

I was about to become aware of something unusual having happened the night before.

I went to find the hoover to clean up after the boys. It's nowhere.

Seriously, I've been through the house several times, in every cupboard and wardrobe, and there is no sign of the hoover.

I even left it an hour, showered and dressed, and another look yielded no hoover. When my wife came back from the gym I asked her to look. She can't find it either.

I'm beginning to think I'm on an elaborate stage-set, everyone around me actors, and someone in continuity has just been fired.


Blogger Karoona said...

WE ALL WANT TO KNOW...Have you found it yet?!

12:51 pm  
Blogger Furry said...

They realised their mistake in continuity and it miraculously reappeared while we were out.

In order to try and cover up the mistake, they hid it behind the laundry dryer in the kitchen.

9:17 pm  

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