Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kings Cross to Farringdon

Pretty much everyday I pass through Kings Cross district line platforms. It's been an interesting experience as the regeneration begins to take shape. As with most of the projects at work, nothing much appears to have happened for months but now they're into the "prettying" phase and suddenly there are small changes every day.

The new platform claddings are starting to take shape and before you know it the once dreary and horrible district line platforms will be transformed.

I wonder how many of my fellow travellers even notice their world changing around them, or are they so far gone with Londonitis (an ailment suffered by most commuters which manifests itself in an ability to avoid looking at anyone or anything in even the most crowded of trains) that it would take another 7/7 to wake them up again.

When politicians talk about the "speed with which London returned to normality" is that what they mean?

The other thing that has changed in recent weeks is the journey from Kings Cross to Farringdon has ceased to be a rickity shake and grind. They (the unseen night/weekend workers) have relaid the trackbed and replaced the rails - now the journeytime is shorter as the drivers can be more confident on this most twisty of tracks, and considerably smoother.

Everyone is very quick to complain about TfL and their contractors, so I thought I'd mention that I've noticed, even if noone else has.


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