Wednesday, May 24, 2006

...and not a drop to drink

Ok so that's hyperbole

When last I wrote about this little saga I did so in anticipation that it would by now be resolved.

No such luck.

Having nearly coughed up a gonad at the charges Three Valleys Water wanted to levy to fix their (so far elusive) stop-cock, I reverted to Norwich Union.

NU said they would get someone to call me "in the morning" on an "emergency" call-out. I was half expecting a visit from an overweight be-stetsoned wreck who would turn up take one look and explain that "of course I'll need some copper pipe for that... be a week next Thursday"

What we (for 'twas my wife who dealt with them whilst I was at work) actually got was sooooo much worse. A phone call from someone in Manchester - hardly local - explaining they would get someone round that day (this was last Thusday) but only after they had collected £100 excess on a credit card.

My wife (not normally a trusting sort, but on this occasion desperate to stop the damp leeching into every crevice of our home) duly obliged. When the two be-stetsoned ones arrived, they took one look and advised it was an internal plumbing matter and that they normally did "outside" work, and on top of that we "weren't covered" - I wasn't aware they were actuaries as well as plumbers... well, a bit less your skilled plumber, a bit more your Kangol loving navvies.

They left having done nothing bar leave the kitchen in a mess. They had moved the washing machine in such a way that the back door could not be closed. Lucky my wife goes to the gym three times a week.

My wife called me.

I called Manchester.

Manchester called the sub-contractor who had wrecked our kitchen.

I stated this was most definitely not an internal plumbing matter. Manchester said the sub-contractor had confirmed that: a) they had turned off the stop-cock and the flow of water from the damaged pipe had stopped and b) that they had checked the meter and it had stopped turning.

"Ha ha ha, stop it", I said. I had confirmed the night before that turning the stop-cock off made not one jot of difference, and by the way, "we don't have a water meter"

We've been round several loops since then. I finally got my £100 back yesterday, and I'm hoping for a call from a different bunch of Texan-barebacks appointed by NU today.

So we've now had a leaky pipe in the kitchen for a week. The house stinks like a cheese-shop from the damp and meanwhile, I'm trying to find my way in a new job at work. Stressed? Me?


Blogger Karoona said...

don't be so hard on yourself. these things are sent to try us - and on the rollercoaster that is life there are the downs and then there are the ups... just beware the long pieces of track which are neither...

1:13 pm  

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